When I came across an article about parallel parking, I really did laugh out loud. And the face of one of my dear friends—who will remain nameless—came to mind. The author's tongue-in-cheek report on the emissions emitted by those who circle around and around looking for parking spots because they don't know how to park is funny. But true. Can we save the earth by taking the first spot we see every time? Should we force friends like mine into parallel parking anonymous therapy groups? No, but what stood out for me is that little things do matter. And we often take a lot of those little things for granted.
So whether it's parking further from the mall so you drive less, combine your errands into one trip so you're on the road only once, or yes, increase your parallel parking confidence so you can fit into smaller spots, commit to a couple of these little things and we'll add them all up together.
And if you are like my friend and need a little more than a pat on the back when it comes to parallel parking, there are Smart Parking systems out there obviously just for you!