Years ago I read a book on decluttering and it suggested opening junk mail over the trash. That way, it never makes it further into your house and into piles that taunt to organize them when you really just want to catch up on episodes of Grey's Anatomy on your Tivo. Since it's junk any, the idea went, just trash it right away. Like so many other very solid practices we may have made habits, this one is just not good enough anymore. Why wait till trees are cut down, energy resources are put into printing and mailing, and then more landfill material is created?
Do a simple Google search on "junk mail opt out." You'll find a few zillion services that will help you stop junk mail coming to your home. You only need one. Any one. Once your name is off the mailable list in about 2-4 weeks, that's one less mailer/coupon that will get produce and mailed in your name.
There are lots of important statistics about the damage junk mail can cost, but this one you might not have heard before: On average, Americans spend about 8 months opening junk mail in their lifetime. That's two whole seasons of Grey's . . !