It's been a few months. It's a good time to check in and see what habits you're been able to adopt this month, what new information you've learned, and what you're struggling with. Habits are hard to break. So it's really important to pat yourself on the back for any little improvement. Not only is it reinforcement, it begins the domino effect of doing more and making it feel more convenient/easy to do so.
My report card:
I've ramped up my reusable bag usage. I'm great at grocery, pharmacy and farmer's market. For some reason, I still forget when I go clothes and shoes shopping. I'm working on that.
I'm reading labels more, conscious of times my son and I leave the water running, and always have lemons in the house. I've stopped leaving my car idling unnecessarily.
My biggest struggle has been standby power. I plug things out. I plug it in to use it. The next time I go to use it, I realize it's still plugged in. I'm not sure why it's a battle for me to remember this, but at least I'm conscious of it.
So some good, some weak areas, but I'm proud of a lot of new consciousness and new information. Being informed makes me feel good and able to change. I hope you're feeling the same way.