Yesterday I mentioned that I had started using a travel mug daily to reduce my usage of disposable cups. Because coffee if one of my four main food groups (the others being bread, cheese and wine), I took a deeper look at my habit—one part wanting good quality coffee, one part morning laziness—of buying coffee so often.
The first part was simple, mornings and I generally don't get along. But that was exacerbated by my French press, which while it makes amazing coffee, it just takes way too much time and effort to make a cup for the road.
So I realized I could make another change to save that coffee money everyday, time in the morning to stop for coffee, and the gas I burn when I drive by the cafe instead of going straight to work. I researched and bought a single cup coffee maker. I throw in grounds and tap water and in two minutes it makes one cup of coffee directly into a coffee cup, which I then pour into my travel mug as I head out the door. Not only am I saving energy--no boiling water, exactly one cup of water used--in the 16 days I've been using it, I've already saved more money than I spent on the coffee maker!